Weight Ticker

Countdown to Birthday

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4th Update

The original plan was for me to buy a costume and do something I haven't done in a really long time, but the person I was going to match changed his mind of what kind of costume he would be using. Should of known lol; little kids are always changing their minds so instead of having the Halloween costume challenge it's now a 40 day challenge to my sister's baby shower which is on November 12 and my goal is to wear a dress to it and feel comfortable and to have people notice my weight loss.

Right now I am at 219.4 and want to lose 25-35 pounds before the baby shower. I have started a 40 day water fasting. I have tried to do this before and failed and ate something, but the good thing is when I did eat solid food I didn't gain I just maintained which tells me that with this water fasting I won't gain it all back when I eat a solid food, but keep it off.

So today is the first day of the water fasting this time around.

October 4- November 11-- but I am going dress shopping a week before so maybe on November 5th.
I am also doing the shop for less challenge. To go shopping at Marshalls, Ross, or any other store where people say they get great deals. I want to get an outfit and an extra dress for 40-50 dollars. If I don't make the mark of being 180-185 I am still going to get an outfit but maybe something different. Just depends how I will feel that day when I go shopping and how I feel when wearing a dress.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September Posting

So it's 8 days into September and yes I am still at 231.4 and it sucks. I am happy that it's a maintain and not a gain. I have 15 days till the girls' Birthday and only 30 days till I want to buy a costume. I really need to start losing weight if I am to wear a costume. I want to get into the 200's or 190's by Halloween. I want to feel a little comfortable in my outfit. I can do this I just need to start working at it and actually doing something. 

Everyone around me is losing weight and I can't seem to. This suxs!! I am hating my brain cause' since I been trying to lose weight food is what I have on my mind almost 24/7 except for the time that I am sleeping. 

Hopefully when I blog again I will report some drop. Wish me luck. If you have any pointers love to hear them. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Restarting The Blog

So I haven't used blogger in a long while mostly cause' I was ashamed of not really losing anything. I am restarting the blog and doing a 30 day challenge.
The start date is August 28, 2011 and ending October 2, but September 24 is the girls party. I want to buy an outfit a little less than a week before the 24th of September.
I just want to lose weight and get down to as near as 210's as possible.

Food and Exercise:
no carbs, no cokes, limit on the fast foods, more eggs, smaller snacking...

For this challenge I am not doing any exercise unless I don't see a 4-6 lost in the first week then I will start adding exercise.

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